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How To Transition Your Baby Into Their Own Room

Updated: Feb 13, 2023

What’s The Best Age To Transition?

You may have grown used to having your little one sleeping next to you every night, and let’s face it, with all the night time feeds that come with a newborn, having them close by is certainly easier. So for some, and certainly for us, it did feel like a big deal to move your precious little baby into their own bedroom. Babies can be noisy sleepers and from our own personal experience, once we made the decision to move them into their own room, everyone slept better!

A study published in 2017 in the journal of American academy of pediatrics found that babies older than four months of age had longer stretches of consolidated night time sleep, less wake ups and an increase in overall amount of sleep when they had moved into their own room.

There is no set age to transition your baby into their own room, it’s all about how you feel, and what’s best for your family. Some parents make this move at around 6-9 months, but it’s really when it feels right for you. And that is a decision to be made on an individual basis. One caregiver may feel happy with the move at 4 months, while another might not be ready until their child is 2 years old.

What Should They Sleep In?

A cot bed is a great next step here. At times your baby may be awake and wanting to explore while you are asleep. A cot bed will give you the security of them being safe and restrained to the cot by the bars, as opposed to a toddler bed where they would have free rain.

You may also find that your baby will feel more secure in a cot, which in turn will lead to longer stretches of sleep, falling asleep quicker, and fewer wake up’s. Which we all dream off as a parent.

A cot bed that converts into a toddler bed is a great idea for longevity. Lasting right through the baby years, into being a toddler, until finally moving into a single bed.

Tips For Making The Move

1. Spend Time in Their New Room

Spend time in their room, prior to the move. Playing in the new room for a few days leading up to the transition can be a big help. Make this a happy time to give your baby a positive feeling, as somewhere they like to be.

2. Continue Your Bedtime Routine

Consistent bedtime routines can help your baby know what to expect. A baby sleeping bag can become a great part of the bedtime routine, giving your baby a secure and familiar feeling, and helping them to understand when it's time for bed.

Continue to use your established bedtime routines once you start placing your baby to sleep in their own room. This helps your baby to understand that it’s time to sleep, even if they are in a new setting.

3. Put Your Baby Down For Naps in Their New Room

This tends to work best for younger babies, but any daytime naps can be taken in their new room, it all helps the adjustment. Babies older than 9 months can be more aware of their surroundings, which can take them slightly longer to accept their new room. If you find they are resisting sleep, then opt for more gradual changes.

4. Comfort

As babies have a very keen sense of smell, you could put their new cot sheet in your bed. When it’s time to have their first night in their cot you can put this on, so they have a familiar smell that can help sooth them at night.

Using A Baby Sleeping Bag With Legs

Parents recommend our baby and toddler sleeping bags as unlike blankets, they cannot be pulled over their heads. They also help to keep your baby at a constant temperature and avoid them overheating. You can get various designs, all with different features, including a baby sleeping bag with legs. These can be helpful if you find your little one likes to sleep in the frog-legged position. Some parents find their baby can get a little tangled in a regular sleep bag, a baby sleeping bag with legs can be useful here, giving your little wriggler more space to move. There are a variety of different shapes and sizes from birth, right up past the toddler years. All of these can be found if you shop baby sleeping bags online.

How to have a safe cot bed?

Basically, less is more. All that is needed is a mattress with fitted sheet and whatever you prefer for them to sleep in to keep warm. Avoiding teddies and other loose items here is important. More advise on safe sleeping can be found here.

What should I look for in a cot?

  • Make sure there is no more than 6.5 cm between each bar, this is so your baby's head can't slip between them.

  • An adjustable height mattress is a must to help your back as you can lower this as they get bigger. You're lifting all day, so anything that can help is well worth the extra money.

  • If space is an influencing factor then you may be better off with a cot as the dimensions are smaller.

  • A feature you may come across is a teething rail, which protects the top of your cot bed, as some toddlers can make a habit of chewing on their cot. Another one we noticed was wheels, something potentially useful if you are moving them from room to room, just don’t forget the wheel locks.

It’s certainly worth a little research and taking a look around to find the right sleeping bag and bed, and you can always shop for baby sleeping bags online. These two, along with a good routine, and a little patience will hopefully lead to peaceful sleep, for you and your baby. Hopefully, this was helpful, and you have your baby can have a smooth and effortless transition.

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